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The Business Show

08 Oct 2024

7 Expert Tips To Pitch Your Business from the UK’s Leading Pitch Expert

Chelsey Baker, National Mentoring Day

7 Expert Tips To Pitch Your Business from the UK’s Leading Pitch Expert, Chelsey Baker

As the 50th edition of The Business Show approaches, so does the exciting opportunity to pitch to win an incredible £100k package!

Unsure about what or how to pitch? We spoke with the UK’s number one pitching expert, Chelsey Baker, who will be one of the judges on the £100k Launchpad. Chelsey knows what makes a successful pitch, having hosted The Midas Touch pitching show for over 10 years, where she helped hundreds of entrepreneurs refine their pitches and secure investment.

Pitching can be a nerve-wracking but rewarding experience. So how do you secure a "yes"? Check out Chelsey’s 100K launchpad tips to help your pitch stand out, calm your nerves and deliver a perfect pitch: 

1. Know Your Audience

Understand who you’re pitching to. Each judge has specific interests and industries they focus on. Research your panel and tailor your pitch to align with their goals and build rapport. 

2. Tell a Compelling Story

While facts and figures are crucial, storytelling is what captures attention. Explain why your business exists, the problem it solves, and the potential impact. Sharing your passion or personal story can emotionally engage your audience, making your business memorable and relatable.

3. Keep It Concise and Focused

Time is limited, so avoid overwhelming judges with too much detail. Be clear about what your business does, how it will generate revenue, and what your goals are. A focused, succinct pitch shows confidence and preparation.

4. Highlight Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

In a crowded marketplace, what makes your business stand out? Whether it's proprietary technology, a niche market, or a first-mover advantage, clearly define your unique selling proposition (USP). What sets you apart and why does your business have the potential to succeed?

5. Show Traction and Growth Potential

Show evidence that your business can grow. If you have early customers, partnerships, or revenue, highlight this traction. Demonstrating progress, even in the early stages, shows your business has momentum. Paint a clear picture of future growth, outlining plans for scaling and market expansion.

6. Know Your Numbers

Confidence in your financials is key. Be prepared to answer questions about your revenue model, profit margins, customers and cash flow and break-even point.

7. Prepare for Questions and Criticism

Investors will likely challenge your assumptions and probe into your financials or strategy. Embrace their feedback and show you’re open to constructive criticism. This demonstrates resilience and adaptability- traits investors look for in founders. If you don’t know the answer to a question, be honest and explain how you plan to address it.


Preparation is key - the more prepared you are, the more confident you'll feel. Know your material inside out to reduce any uncertainty. If you forget something don’t sweat - no one will ever know you’ve gone off track so just keep going. 

Visualise a successful pitch by picturing yourself confidently owning the stage to boost your confidence and to connect with the audience treat your audience as though they are friends to create a supportive atmosphere, this will help to alleviate any nerves.

Remember that nervous energy is natural - embrace nerves by transforming them into energy and control it through slow steady breaths to calm your nerves and watch yourself shine on stage!

Good luck to everyone pitching! 


Don’t miss the chance to hear from renowned pitching expert, Chelsey Baker, to find out how to pitch your business with clarity, passion and impact. Learn from Chelsey’s insights to maximise your pitch visibility, impact and results.

Join Chelsey on the 13th November 2024 in Keynote Theatre 2 at 15.30-16:00PM

Grab your FREE ticket here

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