Interview with YUMI CEO Sebastien Vanderlinden
What made you take the first step into the business world?
At a time when nearly every inch of the world has been discovered, entrepreneurialism, business and innovation still remain as humankind’s greatest adventures. I have always been adventurous, independent and loved taking risks. During my adulthood, I went through tough spells that were out of my control; running a business with the ambition to become independent, provide for family and myself if ever a dire situation cropped up, gave me a sense of control. Since then, I have always sought to have as much control in my life as possible - whether it is a good thing or not, I don’t know.
What advice would you have for someone starting their own business?
If you are starting with no money and have a full-time job, I would advise you to start a business that you are passionate about, so it does not feel like work and actually ends up adding balance to your lifestyle. Also, provide a product or a service that people are already actively looking for. You may come up with the best service or product but if there is no demand for it you are going to need a lot of investment and time to make people aware of that service or product. It can be done but be aware that you will need a lot of money and time.
Get a proof of concept, validation from your market as quickly as possible, fail and try again until you find the one!
Have a mindset to not be scared to take risks, fail and know that you will be willing to get back on your feet until you find the one business that will succeed. This was my mindset, and it has worked for me. Fail fast, get back to the drawing board and keep pushing!
Do you believe it is just as important to have a healthy mental health as well as physical?
Yes, both work together. The healthier, the harder you work, the more caring and sympathetic and the more willing you are to make sacrifices will all increase your chances of becoming successful. Any mental or physical edge you can get can make all the difference. The key is to find balance and pay as much attention to your mental health as you do to your physical health.
Where do you see the business going in 5 years?
I see us continuing to change the narrative around taking vitamins. We will continue to make it easier for people to become healthier and take their vitamins as well as educating as many people as possible in the process. I also see the business growing into different verticals and markets as well as becoming a worldwide recognised brand.
Do you have any tips for someone wanting to lose weight in a controlled way?
Find what works for you - not all these weight loss diet plans are sustainable for your lifestyle. Try a few, find which one works the best and that you can sustain for a long period of time. When losing weight, consistency and healthy habits are your friends!