We are Simply Business Club, Business Networking done differently. Setup in Kent we offer online networking weekly and face-to-face business networking once per month in each area.
Why are we different?
- No lock-outs - we believe people buy from people and also collaboration is king
- No Max number of visits - Come along twice as a visitor and if for some reason you want to carry on as a visitor it is fine to pay per meeting
- Talk for 3-5 minutes - every attendee gets 3-5 minutes to talk about what they do and how the room can support you
- #ConversationalNetworking - during the 3-5 minutes we give everyone the chance to respond or ask questions or give testimonials to the person speaking.
- SUPPORT - We are all about supporting our attendees, from helping with advice around problems that are happening to being a group to test out new ideas, we love to support everyone who comes along as our founder often says
"A rising tide lifts all boats, if we all help and support each other we all win"
Talk to us at the Business Show to find out how we can help you grow your business through our unique brand of business networking
Hereson Family And Community CentreLillian Road
CT11 7DT
United Kingdom
Contact Exhibitor
The world has changed, gone are the days of meeting face to face, in coffeeshops and other overpriced venues, gone are the £6.50 coffees and unfilling sandwiches, the Zoom era has begun and you know w ...