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2024 The Business Show AGENDA

The Business Show


An Agency’s Guide to Crafting the Perfect Marketing Agency Brief

14 Nov 2024
Theatre 12 by Employment Hero

Briefing and vetting a marketing agency is no easy task. Apart from being a pain in the proverbial, this anxiety-inducing process can equally set you up for glory or costly failure.

In this session, I’ll share insights from over a decade of receiving and responding to agency briefs. Learn how to craft a brief that will sort the wheat from the chaff and get the best from your potential agency partner. Take away a host of tips on the briefing and vetting process that will ultimately lead to better project outcomes.

I offer a sneak peek into some of the best and worst briefs I’ve seen and will send you away with a unique brief template that incorporates all of the best bits.

John Burton, Head of Performance - MRS Digital
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