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2024 The Business Show AGENDA

The Business Show


Fast-Track New Markets with the Flexible Workforce Solution

13 Nov 2024
Theatre 11

International expansion presents fantastic growth opportunities for SMEs. However, it can also be difficult and risky due to local legislation, talent management, HR practices, and initial financial investment. These hurdles often prevent SMEs from fully capitalising on international opportunities.

No matter your size, industry, or experience, global workforce management presents challenges that require time, expertise, and money to overcome. So how can SMEs leverage global talent to explore new markets, seize business opportunities, and accelerate expansion without taking risks or investing in local entity setup?

In this seminar, we’ll explore the Workforce Flexible solution concept and discuss how it can empower your growth strategy, dismantle barriers to international expansion, and provide the speed and flexibility needed for safe business growth.

Laurent-pierre SANS, Director Europe - BIPO
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