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2024 The Business Show AGENDA

The Business Show


Is the future of British architecture AI or apprenticeships?

13 Nov 2024
Theatre 11

As the landscape of British architecture evolves, two distinct paths emerge: the rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the traditional model of apprenticeships. This seminar aims to delve into these paradigms, examining their impacts, benefits, and the future they may carve out for the industry.

Key Topics:
  • AI in Architecture:

    • Automation and AI-driven design processes.

    • The role of AI in enhancing creativity and efficiency.

    • Case studies showcasing successful AI integration in architectural projects.

    • Ethical considerations and challenges of AI in architecture.


  • Apprenticeships in Architecture:

    • Historical significance and evolution of apprenticeships in the UK.

    • The role of hands-on experience in developing architectural expertise.

    • Success stories from renowned architects who began as apprentices.

    • The future of apprenticeships in a tech-driven world.


  • Comparative Analysis:

    • Pros and cons of AI versus apprenticeships.

    • How AI can complement traditional apprenticeships.

    • The potential for hybrid models blending both approaches.


  • Future Trends and Predictions:

    • Expert insights on the direction of British architecture.

    • Potential policy changes and educational reforms.

    • The impact of these trends on architectural practices and employment.

Lord Benjamin Gascoigne, Member of House of Lords
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