I Can’t Sleep! How to Manage Stress and Cope Better.
Life can be stressful! If you’re running a business, or working in a high-pressure environment, and trying to juggle a family, run a home and have a social life, this can become overwhelming. Maybe you feel irritable, have trouble sleeping, or feel anxious and depressed. Your physical health may take a battering too, as stress affects your digestion, immune system and blood pressure. And a lack of sleep can make all of this worse. Left unchecked, too much stress can ultimately result in burn out. To succeed in business, you know you need to feel calm and in control. To be able to tap into your creativity and decision- making skills, and to communicate effectively with your team. This interactive seminar will enable you to understand more about stress and how it affects your body; and allow you to identify your own stressors. You will have the opportunity to experience the benefits of some in-the-room stress busting techniques, giving you practical and effective tools to take away with you. Join us to find out how to stress less and achieve more!