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2024 The Business Show AGENDA

The Business Show


Unlocking Business Success: 5 Levels, 3 Pillars, 9-Step Roadmap

13 Nov 2024
Theatre 9

In this engaging session, discover how to accelerate your business growth by understanding the 5 Levels of Business Ownership: from Overworked and Overwhelm to Organised and Overseer, leading ultimately to Owner. You’ll learn how to master the 3 key pillars of any thriving business—Vision, Value, and Velocity—and how these support your progress. By following the 9-Step Roadmap, which ties these levels and pillars together, you’ll gain the clarity, strategy, and focus necessary to take your business from its current state to your ideal vision. Each step has been carefully designed to provide a thinking shift, ultimately leading to a business that delivers sustainable success and long-term value.

Daniel Andersen-Tuffnell, Director & Founder - Business Mindsets
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